Browse Exhibits (6 total)

Southwest Feminists Reunite ~ Events and Activities


This exhibit features brochures, drawings, flyers, newspaper clippings and other ephemera documenting the diverse activities of Tucson's passionately engaged feminist community throughout the 1970s-2013.

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Southwest Feminists Reunite Collection Exhibit

How Women Earned a Living Interview Clip 1.jpg

This exhibit showcases the Southwest Feminists Reunite collection on the Arizona Queer Archives. 

The Arizona LGBTQ Storytelling Project Oral History Collection Exhibit

This exhibit focuses on the LGBTQ Storytelling Project Oral History Collection featured on the Arizona Queer Archives website, highlighting the accounts given in interviews with Alison Davison, Les Krambeal, Thomas Waddelow, and Eve Rifkin. Members of the Arizona LGBTQ community, these individuals share their insights into growing up in different parts of the country and especially living in Tucson.

The Fly Away Zine Collection and the Adela C. Licona Zine Collection: An Exhibit on Visibility and Intersectionality


This exhibit captures zinesters' demand to have the intersectionalities of their entirety recognized and seen. Borders are seen not only as physical barriers, but consist of heteronormative social constructs that attempt to confine and categorize individuals, and communities. Identity is recognized as always in a state of becoming.

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Wingspan Community Center Exhibit


This exhibit showcases items pertaining to the Wingspan Community Center, which was a nonprofit resource center that existed in Tucson, Arizona from 1988 to 2014. Committed to providing outreach as well as social service programs, its members served as activists and advocates for the city's LGBTQ community. 

The initial vision of the center involved a space where meetings could be held on a regular basis, a lending library, and an info-line telephone service to share community information. The 50 people who met at the Unitarian Universalist Church on 22nd Street in Tucson in early 1988 brainstormed ways to form a “Lesbian and Gay Resource Center” that would later become Wingspan. Events such as biannual dances, and an annual lesbian and gay film festival would soon be arranged by volunteers.

In 1989 through an affiliation with the Southwest Alternatives Institute, Wingspan successfully applied for nonprofit 501(c)(3) status and received a grant from the Chicago Resources Center to rent a small space in the Pima County/Women’s Commission Offices. The space for Wingspan became larger as the years went on, and by the end of the agency's existence it had headquarters on North 4th Avenue and on 300 6th Street.

Some of the agency's major contributions to the Old Pueblo was the creation of PFLAG, Tucson's first Spanish-language LGBTQ group, and the Bilingual Anti-Violence Hotline. In 2014, the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF) took over operation of the Anti-Violence Programs and the Eon Youth Lounge program that had formerly been headed by Wingspan.

This exhibit features media generated from the organization's public forum held on June 7, 2008, entitled "The History of Community Activism in the GLBT Community in Tucson." In this series of video clips, speakers discuss their experiences and contributions to the local community from the 1970s to 2008 to commemorate Wingspan's 20th anniversary. The testimony of each speaker in the clips attests to the highly active and supportive LGBTQ community that has existed in Tucson for more than 25 years.

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Wingspan Programs


This exhibit features materials relating to Wingspan Community Center's programs and projects, which provided a range of services to Tucson's LGBTQ community from 1988 to 2014.

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